
Darkest dungeon trinket mods
Darkest dungeon trinket mods

darkest dungeon trinket mods

You will not find most of these effects through any other means. What remains are actually all rather unique in what they do, which makes them rather more exciting to get. That's a lot of challenge gone and no need to look for alternative means of protecting yourself.

darkest dungeon trinket mods

No need to worry about any other flight mechanism, of which there are many. Creative flight first night? Combat is over. That's what a lot of these trinkets represent. We'd like people to have a longer, more engaging play experience. but it quickly loses it's charm and ruins every aspect of the game for you. This might seem fun at first, and you might even have fun for a few minutes. Or you could just slap that thing in a drawer and extract all the iron you'll ever need. Or work on getting a new pick to try out. Need more iron? Yeah, you could work on automating bees or nature's aura. You'd have exactly no reason to go out and explore mods. What if you started playing and on your first day, you got a creative dispenser upgrade for a drawer.

darkest dungeon trinket mods

It kinda saps your will to go explore some of the more interesting methods available to achieve these things. and they've largely agreed it's too much. The thing is, everything that's being disabled can still be obtained through other mods.Įven players who are new to the pack have gotten 'lucky' and gotten things like flight and fire immunity day one. The only reason some should be disabled is because there are already alternatives causing redundant overlap Some just are unnecessary and ruin the game progression such as creative flight, there are many balanced alternatives that are made useless by trinkets.Īlso in it's current state they are entirely rng, just because you got yours in a seemingly progressive way, its highly unlikely to happen that way for most players.Īll of the trinkets can be auto farmed early game and you can become godlike before even killing a wither/ender dragon and progressing even a fraction through mods. I'm all for gating them or making them more difficult to obtain but please don't disable them =( I've been playing for a while and only just got some of the "good" ones after I would have required (or needed) them (for example the Blaze Heart after I've finished setting up a Blaze Farm), thereby making future stuff easier, but I've already put the work into where I would need them

Darkest dungeon trinket mods