
Assassin's creed black flag sales
Assassin's creed black flag sales


We're getting close to a whole year since people have had these issues and they are still out there unresolved. Maybe this has been fixed for others but after 6 months, I'm still kept from accessing content I paid for. It seems like this forum has grown quiet with the topics of dlc not being available even though it was purchased. They even claimed that the issue was fixed. This url shows Ubisoft was aware of this issue back in September of 2020. Ubisoft insists the issue is being investigated as a high priority. Ubisoft Support Ticket: 14245586 (I know a Ubi-something will ask)


It's good, and with a very large world, but Black Flag has more work put into it.Started a support ticket with Ubisoft back on March 5, 2021. Rogue takes Black Flag's systems and engine, and modifies its content while adding new content, to make a new game in a new setting. Rogue released after Black Flag, but it wasn't a full-effort project from Ubisoft, and is more of an in-between release for the series' main installments. I think that both are good games, but that Black Flag is a fuller-package game, with a greater graphical presentation.


I've played Black Flag twice through, and I'm 28% of the way in on my first Rogue play-through. It mostly looks to me like the water in Rogue is simply darker-coloured, to suit how the ocean looks in the East Altantic, where Rogue takes place, compared to the transparent greeny-blue of the ocean in the Caribbean. I've seen people say that the water in Rogue has been improved over Black Flag, but I'm unsure whether that's the case. I'm not sure why Vstorm mentioned Rogue as having better graphics, as Black Flag's graphics are clearly richer, with the vegetation being more densely applied in the world, and the foliage more natural with all its movement (whereas in Rogue foliage is static).Īlso, it's Black Flag that costs more than Rogue, not the other way around. Black Flag is the more refined game, with better graphics, and more content.

Assassin's creed black flag sales